Thursday, August 5, 2010


As I said in my last post,
I've just discovered how to "vignette" with Picnik
and I'm playing around!



This is just a photo I recently posted.
I thought it would be appropriate
for my new found "talent"

(kind of like the word, too)

Now to "not get too carried away with it!"


  1. Love it!!! Picnik is fun.. and I use it when I need a quick fix and not wanting to mess with photoshop... I think you did great.

  2. I was just visiting your blog this morning and didn't notice this was for touch-up Tuesday. So sorry! Oh, I'm so glad you played! I love vignetting too, and have just started using it more in the past few weeks. It really draws your eye in toward the subject. Great edit! :-)
